Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Stimulus Plan

I believe that the stimulas plan is right the U.S because President Barack Obama is trying to provide more jobs and get the economy back on track. Right now our economy is bad because of the the few jobs and debts. The stimulas plan that obama has prepared is giving 3.5 billion jobs for people. I think that this will help our economy in a great way because we need jobs. The house of representative hasn't turned in their votes because they are not sure about the stimulas plan. President Barack Obama wants to deduct taxes for the lower and middle class taxpayers. This would pump $25 billion less on the economy which is less than previously planned. Critcs beleive that isnt gonna make a boost on the economy. Somehow I think this is going to make a difference on the economy because workers are going to be recieving more money on there checks and the rate of debts would be less.

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