Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama & War

President Barack Obama rolled out his administration’s new strategy for the war in Afghanistan on a Friday morning, reassuring the American people that victory is possible but that a dire struggle in both Afghanistan and Pakistan lies ahead. This means that Obama is looking for peace and he wants the better for us. “At a time of economic crisis, it is tempting to believe that we can short-change this civilian effort,” Obama said. “But make no mistake: our efforts will fail in Afghanistan and Pakistan if we don’t invest in their future.” He is planning for the future because one cause can ruin another. The roughly 4,000 new troops mainly will be trainers to help expand the Afghan army. The training troops are in addition to the 17,000 troops Obama ordered in February, in what he told CBS’s “60 Minutes” last week was the most difficult decision of his young presidency. Obama’s message was not only directed to the American people, however; he also had a message for listeners in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The president repeatedly went out of his way to make the case that a stepped-up American presence in these countries would ultimately be in their own interest.

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