Sunday, June 14, 2009
Whats going on with Guantanamo Bay ?
Obama & auto Companies
Based on the latest bankruptcy and bailout plans, the government will hold 72.5% of General Motors Corp., 8% of Chrysler Corp. and 35% or more of GMAC Financial Services, the car loan business. Ideas for what to do with those shares are colored by politics and investment philosophies, and they're sure to be debated. Some economists and financiers believe Obama should dump the stock almost immediately, to whatever buyer the government can find. Others say the administration should find a partner, maybe a savvy investor such as Warren Buffett or an justice firm such as Oaktree Capital to operate the businesses for a generous share of any profits on the condition that the government gets its money first. And some believe President Obama should just stick the shares deep into a desk drawer and let the next president worry about an exit strategy. GM and Chrysler will either fail again or become corporate home runs. Only time will tell. The government has sunk so much money into the companies that a few billion dollars more will make little difference, especially compared with the potential for GM and Chrysler to become corporate contributors to the U.S. economy once they've been "freed" from what Mitchell (an economist) considers the inefficient stain of federal ownership. It is believed that it is a Catch-22 and its not good to sell stock at a loss, but there is no way for the stock to go up as long as the government is involved. They need to get these companies back into the private sector, otherwise these companies will be perennial bleeding sores for the U.S. taxpayers.
Obama & Credit
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Obama's Healthcare Reform
How are the republicans attacking obama?
Gay Marriage
For some years, same-sex marriage (SSM) has been near or at the top of any list of leading religious/secular/political controversies in North America. It is complex, divisive, and not readily agreeable to compromise. After all, U.S. states either allow SSM or ban it. Any change, or threat of change, to the culture is distressing to many people. But a change to the structure of the fundamental building block of society -- the family -- can be chiefly upsetting. Most American adults currently oppose SSM, but the tendency is towards increasing acceptance. If current trends continue, most American adults will be supportive of SSM sometime in the early to middle 2010's. People who argue for SSM say that "The institution of marriage conveys dignity and respect towards a couple that make a lifetime commitment to support each other. Same-sex couples deserve this dignity and respect."They also argue Denying marriage to same-sex couples removes from one group a fundamental, important human right -- the right to marry the person that one loves and to whom one has made a commitment. That is unfair and unjust in a democracy. They believe that they have equal rights as well. Arguments against SSM say that for most Americans, marriage is a religious sacrament or ceremony. If the definition of marriage is changed to allow SSM, religious individuals and groups become at risk of having to violate their beliefs by marrying same-sex couples. Children benefit over regular marriage because many researchers have found that children thrive best when reared in a home with a married mother and father. Boys and girls have needs that are uniquely met by parents of the opposite gender. I am against gay marriage because i am a christian pentecostal. The world is already corrupt if they make gay marriage legal it would make it harder for us Christians to get people to convert. But I'm not only going against it only because i am christian i think that is disgusting and it isn't good morals. I think that we were made to marry the opposite sex. Nothing is going to change my mind this is wrong and everyone who is gay and supports SSM will pay the consequences which is burn in hell because this is a sin. Besides no where in the constitution it says marry the same sex therefore they hav no right to marry the same sex.
Do I Like Mayor Bloomberg? Why Or Why Not ?
Letter To Obama/Child Labor
Child labor is a widely controversial and complicated topic. Child labor laws are enforced to protect the well being of children and to prevent them from being used and taken advantage of.
Although there are several child labor laws designed to protect children, it is nearly impossible to prevent child labor completely. Child labor in America, although prohibited is still evident in many locations. There will always be a place where children are forced to work either by consent of their parents or ignorance on their part. You should give organizations like World Education and NGO money so they can continue preventing child labor and helping out children that are in risk of being force to work. There are many institutes, organizations, public departments and international organizations like UNICEF whose main objective is to prevent child labor. Children suffer and are treated terribly. First, many children leave their homes in a way to avoid the abuse that they are victims of from their parents. To prevent this bad treatment, the government could help give conferences to the parents about child labor and the consequences that it brings. In this way, we can help prevent other children running away from home and living as homeless children. In these homes, children are not supposed to work; they can study and learn a career, and they will get a better job and a future. Thank you President Barack Obama .
Sincerely, Giolenny Bautista
Friday, June 5, 2009
Obama & War
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Opinion Polls
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Obama's View On Health Care
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nuclear Weapons
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Stimulus Plan
I believe that the stimulas plan is right the U.S because President Barack Obama is trying to provide more jobs and get the economy back on track. Right now our economy is bad because of the the few jobs and debts. The stimulas plan that obama has prepared is giving 3.5 billion jobs for people. I think that this will help our economy in a great way because we need jobs. The house of representative hasn't turned in their votes because they are not sure about the stimulas plan. President Barack Obama wants to deduct taxes for the lower and middle class taxpayers. This would pump $25 billion less on the economy which is less than previously planned. Critcs beleive that isnt gonna make a boost on the economy. Somehow I think this is going to make a difference on the economy because workers are going to be recieving more money on there checks and the rate of debts would be less.